Sectors of the Economy

Practice Profile
McCreightPartners is committed to partnering with our clients to ensure their sustainable competitive superiority. Our Practice Profile offers a consolidated look at our firm's client-focused, outcome-driven practices. Our past engagements speak to the competencies of our global Alliance Partner network and Research & Operations Center (ROC) professionals, from education and healthcare to energy and national security. We focus on seven sectors of the economy.
McCreightPartners is a reflection of the clients we serve, our professionals, and the work we undertake.
What Makes Us Unique
Alliance Partners
We are proud to nurture a global network of over 100 Alliance Partners and consulting professionals with extraordinary competencies. Depending on our clients’ needs, these thought-leaders participate in our engagements as Subject Matter Experts. They serve our clients as members of our on-site field consulting team or as members of our engagement-focused Quality Assurance Panels.
Our Alliance Partners strengthen our strategy implementation effectiveness and complement our core competencies in countless ways.